Good Morning People! How May I Help You?

Good Morning People! How May I Help You?
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Thursday 4 March 2010

Job search strategies that work

It is just well and African to warmly welcome you to this blog – you see, this is first post. That you are attracted to the title of this blog or the topic is perfectly okay. Our employment status is crucial and important to our lives that it will remain current and attention grabbing. Most of us start work in early 20’s and retirement often occurs in the mid –60’s. This implies that we spend at work 60% of our lifetime, 80% of our adult life Why do we work? Most of us will give the perfunctionary answer: to meet our financial needs. But even a casual reflection will reveal that possession of a job goes with benefits far much more than receipt of income. Job holders may acquire, along with the job
• a purpose in life, or additional purpose(s)
• a role and an identity
• personal satisfaction and esteem
• status, and a basis for further status

• influence and power

• public recognition and respect.

Take away the above from a person, and then you have a pretty good idea of what the unemployed is missing and feeling. The unemployed is poor, feels loss of control over his/her life and faces social pressure (some unintended). He feels frustrated, angry and has low esteem. On the other hand, sudden loss of job disrupts family and social life, leads to loss of income and identity. The resultant change results in emotional turmoil, given the magnitude and scope of change Buying an exquisite car will not give you the pleasure and pride of driving it, except you know how to drive. In the same way, the vast majority of us will only enjoy the fruit of our formal education and training only through paid employment. It is therefore the ironic that few possess the requisite skills for effective job search. Buying an exquisite car will not give you the pleasure and pride of driving it, except you know how to drive. In the same way, the vast majority of us will only enjoy the fruit of our formal education and training only through paid employment. It is therefore ironic that few possess the requisite skills for effective job search. The chief objective of this site will be to provide readers with information, knowledge, resources and guides that will enable you to get the job of your desire in the shortest possible time. Your job search can be quick and the eventual job position fulfilling, if you know how to effectively search for one. The blog will look at all issues that every employment seeker needs to know including:

 Job search strategies that work

 employer systems, recruitment processes and expectations

 writing effective cover letter/application  crafting powerful Resumes/C.V

 discovering yourself (skills, aptitude and interest)

 opportunities in the job market

 Job interview an interview

 job aptitude /selection tests

 Negotiating your pay and other work conditions

 Succeeding on your job

 Career management  Motivation/survival strategies

 And much more

There are four categories of our target audience (1) New entrants: fresh in the job market, never employed, and most likely a recent graduate. His main challenge is that he has no working experience, hence no track record, and is at a loss on how to sell himself. He wrongly believes he has no marketable skill or capability- so is ready to accept| “any job.” (2) Unemployed now, previously employed. He lost his job to downsizing, corporate politics (causing career accident), lack of job success skills, incompetence, failure to properly plan his career, etc. The longer the period of unemployment, the more he becomes frustrated and lower in self-esteem resulting from loss of income, social, family and societal pressures. His major challenge is to articulate his saleable skills and achievement, communicating this to potential employers; and, more importantly shoring up his vanishing self-confidence (3) dissatisfied, though employed now – such dissatisfaction may arose from poor environment at work place, underemployment, disruption of family life from work-related causes, poor pay and unsatisfactory conditions of service, etc. He wants another job without the work-place problems he faces now. His main challenge is making up his mind about what to do, identifying and articulating his relevant accomplishments, transferable skills, and communicating these appropriately. (4) Career changers- a significant number of people in one employment or the other today are unhappy with what they are doing. It is like they are in the wrong industry and/or profession. They do not derive any joy from what they are doing now-the feeling you have when you disembark at the wrong bus stop. There are chemists, doctors, lawyers, engineers, pharmacists, etc., who found themselves where they are because it was fashionable for brilliant students to study these courses. A few people discover later in life that they will have more joy doing something else, different from what they are doing now. Some don’t even know what they want; they just know that whatever they are doing now is not it. And they feel trapped either because they cannot come out to pursue their feelings or because they are scared of the “trouble” making the change. It is your right to work where you will thoroughly enjoy yourself while you are being paid for it.

Believe me, it is possible for you to have this your dream job. Come along!

This blog will not create jobs. Unfortunately job creation is the only way that will make it generally easier for every body to get jobs. Our concern is to make it easier for you, as per you to get a job of your choice. Good understanding and diligent application of the strategies and techniques that will be made available on this blog will set you apart and above your competitors and make it easier for you to get your dream job. We promise you, and nobody else that

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